Articles Posted in Birth Injuries


Cerebral palsy is a condition that is most often associated with birth injury. It is also a condition caused by the abnormal development of an infant’s brain. When a child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, they will have difficulty controlling their muscles throughout the course of their life.

While scientists used to believe that cerebral palsy was mainly caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain during labor and delivery, it is now believed that this is the cause of only a small number of cases. It is now believed that brain damage that leads to cerebral palsy can occur before or during birth or sometime in the child’s first year of life.

Acquired Cerebral Palsy

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Doctors in the United States are advising that there is no benefit to infants who are born at home. They add that water births have no proven benefits for mothers, and that home births may contribute to serious health problems for infants.

Many mothers have found that going through labor in a pool of water may help to ease pain and possibly speed up the delivery process. Women, doctors say, should leave the pool when it is time to push. Dr. Joseph Wax, chairman of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ (ACOG) committee on obstetrics practice, says, “Potential infant risks of second stage immersion include fresh water drowning, serious infection, umbilical cord (snapping) with (bleeding) and need for transfusion.”

Even though there is no proven benefit of a water birth, women who are otherwise healthy may want to try it. Women who do elect a water birth should be full term and not have had any complications during the pregnancy. When women do choose a water birth, whether at home or in the hospital, they need to be monitored closely.


841151342_e470c05fb8_bThe rate of cesarean birth in the United States has dropped for the first time in decades. Before you get too excited, it’s important to note that the drop was only by 0.1 percent. The rate of cesarean births in our country is still higher than 32 percent of all births, a number that is higher than in any other developed country.

Cesarean births pose serious challenges to the newborn. These infants are more likely to face complications and injuries that they would not if they were born vaginally. This is especially true of scheduled cesareans where the mother was not given the opportunity to labor before delivery.

When a c-section is scheduled, babies are more likely to be born premature. Mothers and their newborns are not as likely to have skin-to-skin contact immediately following the birth. The pain medications given to mothers before a c-section can make it more difficult for the newborn to latch on and feed.

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Brachial_plexus_anterior_view_nervesYou gave birth to your child after months of waiting. Shortly after a difficult birth, you discovered that your child had suffered a brachial plexus injury. What exactly is this injury and how will it affect your child?

How Brachial Plexus Injuries Happen

There is a cluster of nerves that send signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm and hand. This is called the brachial plexus. During the birthing process, the infant’s shoulder may bet caught, or the doctor may use too much force to assist the infant in emerging from the birth canal. When either of these things happen, the nerves can be pulled or torn.

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by matter how smoothly your pregnancy is going, you can still experience complications during delivery. Your doctor is prepared to handle these complications as is the hospital you have chosen. Here are some complications that tend to be more common than others.

1. Premature Delivery

One of the greatest fears parents face is a baby that is delivered too early.  A baby who is born before it has had a chance to mature inside the womb may have lungs that are underdeveloped and other issues that make survival uncertain.  Women are typically pregnant for 40 weeks before giving birth. Any baby born before 37 weeks is considered premature.


640px-Dr_dan_raicaPregnancy can be one of the most exciting times of a woman’s life. Choosing an obstetrician can be one of the most stressful. If you are experiencing your first pregnancy and are struggling to find an obstetrician, here are some tips that may help you find the best doctor for your needs.

1. Health History

If you have any conditions that could complicate your pregnancy or delivery, you should ask any doctor you’re are considering if they are experienced caring for patients like you. Will you need to see a specialist? Are there certain precautions you must take? Having an obstetrician that is familiar with your unique needs will not only put you at ease, but help to ensure your safety and that of your unborn child.

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11290308035_62b4bcd8ca_bWhen parents welcome a child into the world, they do so with visions of happy children, respectful teenagers and successful adults. But what happens when a child is injured at birth? Finding out that your child has special needs can initially dash the hopes that you had. The good news is that one you are able to absorb the fact that your child may not behave or learn typically, they will be successful in their own right.

Educating your special needs child may not be as simple as enrolling them in public school and putting them on the bus. You have a variety of options for your child, and one of these options may be better suited to your little one’s needs than another. Knowing these options can help you determine what is right for your child.


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24233878371_038b4c923f_o_dCerebral palsy (CP) is one of the most common birth injuries in the United States, but very little has been written about the financial costs associated with it. Caring for infants and children with cerebral palsy can be very expensive and, in a majority of cases, that care does not end when the child reaches adulthood.

Family Expenses

The average lifetime family expense associated with CP can be close to a million dollars. Children who have additional, associated disabilities, will cost more. Children with CP and intellectual disabilities, for example, can cost over $1 million. It is important to remember that each child is different and the necessities of their care will not be the same.

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Cesarean sections are a surgical birthing process chosen by medical professionals at alarmingly high rates. C-sections are known to be risky, and research has shown that many of these procedures are performed too early in labor or for reasons that were unnecessary. Before you enter the hospital to deliver your baby, here are risks of c-section that you should be aware of.

1. Uterine Infection

After a c-section, many women contract an infection of the membrane lining of the uterus. This is called endometritis and can cause uterine pain, fever, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

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Cesarean births are not without their risk. C-sections are much more risky than natural births as they are a surgical procedure. While some cannot be avoided, as in cases where the mother’s or child’s life is in danger, some medical providers rush to judgement too quickly, performing C-sections that are unnecessary. Here are five tips to help you avoid a first-time c-section.

1. Choose Your Doctor Wisely

You want to be very careful when choosing your OB/GYN for a variety of reasons. Your health, your child’s health and your successful birthing process are all great reasons to be picky when it comes to your doctor. Before you make a final choice, find out about the provider’s c-section rate. If it is high, you may want to continue your search.

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