Two Suits Against Ohio State University are Settled


Two families with wrongful death and medical malpractice lawsuits filed against Ohio State University will be receiving payments of $1.7 million in settlement to their cases filed the Ohio Court of Claims.

A judge approved the settlement agreements on Friday, though Ohio State University admitted no wrongdoing.

The family and estate of Michael McNew, 38, of Dublin, will receive $1.7 million to settle a medical negligence and wrongful-death lawsuit that was filed after McNew died in 2009. The plaintiffs allege that McNew did not receive a proper diagnosis at Ohio State’s Stoneridge Medical Center in Dublin, where he was treated for severe rectal pain.

McNew repeatedly called the Stoneridge office over a period of several days complaining of bleeding and severe pain. McNew was advised to continue taking pain medication.

McNew died shortly afterward of bleeding in the brain suffered as the direct as a result of an undiagnosed condition that can cause internal bleeding.

McNew’s surviving family members will receive $300,000 over four years paid by Ohio State University to fund annuities for his three children.

An additional case filed by Briyn Huff of Marietta also ended in an agreement by OSU to pay $1.75 million for alleged substandard care which led to his having permanent injuries.

Huff’s attorneys allege that air was allowed in to tubing connected to a catheter during spinal surgery performed in 2013 at Wexner Medical Center. The air that was permitted to enter into Huff’s system caused an embolism which caused him to suffer heart attacks, brain and spinal strokes as well as problems with his vision and numbness.

When someone goes to a healthcare facility, they have to trust that their attending physician is a qualified professional and is capable of doing an effective job. If you or a loved one has been injured due to medical malpractice or medical negligence, contact the law offices of Bottar Law, PLLC. You are guaranteed certain rights under the law and you may be able to receive compensation for medical costs, loss of income, pain and suffering, or loss of enjoyment of life. We are here to help you when you need us. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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