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Obstetrical (OB) Malpractice

A obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in caring for pregnant women through childbirth. It is the job of an obstetrician, sometimes known as an OBGYN, to closely monitor a expectant mother's health in order to identify potential problems with the fetus, possible maternal health issues, and risk for a labor and delivery complications.

There are approximately 40,000 obstetricians in the United States. After medical school, each must complete a 4 year residency in obstetrics to study perinatology, reproductive endocrinology, urogynecology, gynecologic oncology, and primary and preventative health. Typically, doctors in this field obtain concurrent gynecological and obstetrical training and, after the training period, are known as OBGYNs. According to a recent report prepared by the American Medical Group Association, the median salary for an obstetrician is just over $301,000.00 per year.

Most women treat with an OBGYN long before they are pregnant for routine care including breast exams, pelvic exams and Pap tests, and/or for prenatal nutrition (e.g., folate/folic acid, calcium, iron and Vitamin D supplementation). During pregnancy, obstetricians are called upon by patients to perform a variety of additional services, such as ordering ultrasounds, estimating fetal weight, examining the cervix and monitoring for fetal distress which may be marked by prolonged decelerations. Where an obstetrician fails to order the appropriate tests (such as lab work for gestational diabetes or culturing for group B streptococcus), or fails to otherwise perform his or her job correctly (such as using forceps improperly or waiting too long to perform a cesarean section), he or she may be liable for medical malpractice. When OBGYNs make mistakes, the potential for birth injuries and harm to the is great, e.g.:
The trial lawyers at Bottar Law, PLLC, have decades of experience investigating, prosecuting and trying to verdict medical malpractice cases due to or arising out of obstetrical malpractice. If you or your baby were injured before, during or immediately after delivery, you and your family may be entitled to compensation for lifelong health care, medical expenses, medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering.

To discuss your case or concerns with an experienced Central New York medical malpractice and birth injury attorney, contact us now at (315) 422-3466, (800) 336-LAWS, or by e-mail at
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