Syracuse Straint Testosterone Therapy (TRT) Lawsuit

Straint is a brand of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) manufactured Columbia Labs.  Straint has been marketed as a "testosterone buccal system" designed to adhere to the gum or inner cheek and administer testosterone twice daily.

Historical Straint package inserts have warned patients about increased risks for, e.g., prostate cancer, increased hematocrit, spermatogenesis, hepatic impairment, edema, gynecomastia, sleep apnea, and hypercalcemia.  However, little if any information has been disclosed about a potential increase in risk for:

  • heart attack;
  • stroke;
  • blood clots; or
  • death.

Following the FDA Safety Alert released in January of 2014, Bottar Law, PLLC began investigating Straint labeling, including whether patients were sufficiently aware of statistically significant risks associated with use of the medication.  If Columbia Labs knew or should have known of the risks and did not disclose all-together, or provided an inadequate warning to physicians and consumers on bottles and package inserts, it may be liable for damages, including compensation for:

  • pain and suffering;
  • lost wages;
  • medical bills; and
  • wrongful death.

To speak with a member of our legal team to learn more about whether your use of AndroGel, Androderm, Axiron, Androud 10, Depo-Testosterone, Bio-T-Gel, Delatestryl, Fortesta, Straint, Testin or Testopel caused a cardiac or embolic event, contact us at (833) 268-8277, or by email at