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Five Facts About Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice isn’t a new topic. People know what it is whether or not they have had to suffer with its effects. There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding medical malpractice. Knowing the facts is beneficial for everyone.

1. Preventable medical errors are the named cause of death for between 44,000 and 99,000 people each year in America. People just like you go to the doctor or the hospital and expect to be treated properly. Instead, they are injured or worse, killed.

2. Medical malpractice is something that can be prevented. The majority of issues that arise in doctor’s offices or hospitals are due to human error. This means that it is medical professionals who are making mistakes and, as everyone knows, mistakes can be avoided.

3. When it comes to the overall cost of your health care, medical malpractice premiums cost less than half of a percent. Doctors are not charging high rates because they have to pay for medical malpractice insurance, no matter what you are being told.

4. Each year, there is approximately $29 million spent on treating medical issues that arise from negligence or error. There is less than half of a percent spent on medical malpractice.

5. It is not unusual for doctors to have paid out in medical malpractice suits and never have been disciplined by the medical board. It is not automatic. In fact, only an average of one in six medical professionals have been disciplined by state boards.

While medical malpractice is prevalent in this country, there is not a lot being done about it. When it comes to your health and safety, the best protector is you. Never assume that your doctor is infallible, and do not be afraid to speak up for yourself. You are your own health care advocate and you must act as such.

If you believe that you have been the victim of medical malpractice, call our experienced attorneys today. A member of our team will review the facts of your case at no cost to you and advise you how to proceed. Call now.

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